Operational Command
We always win. Always.
Goals, Holes & Actionable Items
Current Goals
- We provide the most efficient, and cost-effective customer-acquisition solution in our industry, to both businesses and consumers.
- We produce industry-leading lead magnet forms that exchange customized value for the lead's information.
- Our agency relies on thousands of Marketing Agents to acquire new clients, and partners.
- Our stores occupy every major city and state.
- Our company is publicly traded, and provides investors a unique addition to their portfolio in the service industry.
Current Holes
- Working capital
- System inefficiencies
- Missed deadlines
- Client Satisfaction
Actionable Items
- Maximize client satisfaction thereby driving more revenue per marketing dollar
- Minimize team errors and missed
- Add new talent, resources and solutions that are currently helping other agencies win
- Eliminate all system inefficiencies, including missed deadlines and team errors
Maverick's Major To Dos
Currently Working On:
Get new Facebook Ad Accounts and get all Ads posted
Automate services that need to be completed right to Assignment Sheets (how to set which district, section and squad they go to? -- long term problem)
Convert all Work Portals to generate necessary information per each task (through Order Number), and eliminate dependence on multiple tabs and information in Assignment Sheets
Close as many existing leads as possible.
Build out Lead Gravity System in Verified Offer website so we can quickly build the ethical bribe, and duplicate the functionality, that will make all client forms lead generation machines.
Add all Team Members to Zoho, and complete "Automated Hiring System" so departments are notified when deadlines are being missed, and can respond for a request to add new people or suck it up and get work done faster.
Recreate "Schedule Email" in Editor Work Portal
Build out Lead Gravity System in Verified Offer website so we can quickly build the ethical bribe, and duplicate the functionality, that will make all client forms lead generation machines.
All Tasks:
Create Amazon-like tracking graphic on each email so client can visually see what phase of ad development they are in, and what date they can expect everything to be sent to them for approval.
Invent solution to get endless ad accounts. -John Let account is approval process.
Create new services (PPC, direct mail, etc.) and assimilate into Intake system.
Build and assimilate custom marketing à la carte solution into Intake to serve clients that only want to do what they want, for how much they want to doo it for.
Create additional ads and A/B split test... examine Trifecta who really seems to be on top of incremental improvement.
Begin shooting weekly marketing advice videos and push to Facebook ads and email list.
Complete deadline system that tracks all deadlines for each individual and department so we can ensure deadline compliance and client satisfaction.
Build out Lead Gravity System in Verified Offer website so we can quickly build the ethical bribe, and duplicate the functionality, that will make all client forms lead generation machines.
Review and ensure Ad Optimization system is perfect.
Create Team Member Monthly Review & Improvement (MRI) System. This can be done once deadlines and peer review system is up and running.
Create Add-on service contract extension option at the end of intake checkout.
Create new FAQ pages and videos so we may answer every potential question and eliminate every objection one could possibly have before signing up.
Begin using Zoho customer Portal to replace existing Client Portal. Now we will be able to show status right on Portal.
Recreate all Training Videos for all departments.
Create Marketing Agent System so anyone can join our team, get trained, get accredited and begin getting us clients for a percentage of sales.
Add B2B / B2B / B2BC into Intake Funnel.
Create Copywriter System (when we have at least 5 copywriters) so Clients can select Copywriters for their account (during sign-up) based on experience, historical success, etc.
Get investors and launch first 10 locations once we have one solid year of impressive numbers.
Target Market
People we wish to serve that will make us the most money.
Current Goals
We need to do a better job isolating the exact profile of a businessperson that makes an ideal client:
- Essential business with great cash flow (local service, etc.)
- Patient, and respectful of the marketing process
Current Holes
- We are not currently, deliberately targeting ideal potential clients, but rather first come first serve.
- Every client we end up having an issue with always began with knives out. We need to refund these clients and fire them quickly.
Actionable Items
Build custom audiences and FB Ad Campaigns around local businesses, Tier 2-3: rslt2 & rslt3, respectively.
Our Marketing
How we acquire the people that will make us the most money.
Current Goals
We need to do a better job isolating out each area of the funnel to ensure we are spending more money targeting those deep in the funnel and less money targeting one-clickers.
Current Holes
We don't have enough money to create sufficient targeting for each area of the funnel, so everything is getting clumped together. However, our traffic isn't ready yet either so hopefully as our traffic increases, so will our budget and ad funnel targeting options.
Actionable Items
Instead of using the generic "T,M,B", we need an ad campaign for each area of our funnel:
- Top/Middle/Bottom
- /marketing/
- Registration
- Prohibited Check
- Selection
- Intake
Ad Development
How we build optimal, cost efficient marketing solutions and get them approved by the client.
Current Goals
We need to do a much better job with the following:
- Create Lead Magnet System! Use Verified Offer website to easily build, duplicate & publish new funnels so Copywriter can add info into template, and web dev can make it a functional reality that exchanges information for a free consultation. So instead of the headline "We install new windows" it would be "Do You Need New Windows? Take Quiz Now!"
- Measuring efficiency of team members, and allowing them to see their progress
- Demonstrate to clients how we beat our deadlines each time something is sent to them for approval
- Ensure we have enough bodies so we NEVER miss deadline, and we can quickly scale the agency (with the touch of a button) to new Squads, Sections and Districts.
Current Holes
We did a great job setting up email reminders so clients cannot ignore new requests; however, the first 3-5 days after they sign up must knock their socks off.
Actionable Items
- Add arithmetic to CRM so when a campaign is sent for approval, the following occurs: Signup date - request for feedback date = days it took us to get them their marketing campaign < our deadline
- Research how other service companies like Bane knock their clients socks off that first week after signup.
- Add Amazon-like tracking system so client can see what stage of development their campaign is in...
- This should be fixed after we set up the CRM Portal -- fields can come directly from feedback requests
- After the Copywriter submit their form subsequent to speaking with client, a "Marketing Strategy" should be automatically generated and sent to client, based on what the Copywriter writes.
Publish Campaigns
How we publish client ad campaigns to maximize client trust, satisfaction and results.
Current Goals
We need several dozen Facebook Avatars to begin setting up numerous FB Ad Accounts.
Current Holes
Our ad accounts keep getting shut down because there are connections between newer accounts and older, banned ones.
Actionable Items
Create an ad account and avatar for John Let, and get it fired up and add as many ad accounts as possible to it. Then repeat.
Ad Performance
How we increase clients' ad performance to maximize results.
Current Goals
We need a dedicated person to optimize campaigns for performance. We also need to get better using the various lookalike audiences we have on file.
I already mapped the perfect system so anyone can go in an optimize campaigns for audience, conversion, etc. I wonder if our Team Leaders can assist with this.
Current Holes
Our clients' ads need to drive better results. We need a 5 point system so our entire team can see the strength and weaknesses of each campaign.
I'll have to find it (I created it years ago), but I think it's:
- Offer
- Creative
- Funnel
- Targeting
- Adjustment
Actionable Items
- Add Irresistible Offer" that must accompany each new ad, into Copywriter Portal.
- Add 5-Point system to Copywriter Portal as well, and in "Strategy email" so client can see it.
- Allow departments to overlap, so Team Leader and Metricologist can do each others' job until we get big enough for more specialization.
Client Satisfaction
How we make clients happier.
Current Goals
- Measure Client Satisfaction during every milestone (ALO), i.e. Ads Approved, Ads Launched, Ads Optimized.
- Ads need to be launched as soon as possible
- Clients need to trust us so much that if we recommend they increase their ad spend, they immediately give us the green light
- After clients will see what phase of development their campaign s in with the new CRM portal, we need to perfect the system of informing clients about A/B split testing and optimization, which I already build a pretty competent version of. It just needs to be used weekly for each client.
Current Holes
Our clients always have the following complaints:
- I don't know what's going on
- When do my ads start running
- Where are my results
We need to dominate each concern with aggressive compassion.
Actionable Items
- Perfect Metricologist Optimization system (don't forget SEO) and allow Team Leader to also use it.
- Build new CRM Portal
Scalable ROI
How we track and invite Clients, who are making returns with us, to scale up their marketing to drive higher returns.
Current Goals
Let's get ad performance firing on all cylinders before we explore this.
Current Holes
Right now we are having a tough time with this.
Actionable Items
Improve ad performance.
Ongoing Revenue
How we keep clients forever to drive ongoing, predictable revenue.
Current Goals
We need to keep clients forever by doing the following:
- Getting their ads launched the first week they sign up, and ensuring they know where they are at in the process every step of the way.
- Ensuring we continually audit and improve campaigns to enhance performance, using 5 points, and ensure clients witness this constantly.
- Have honest conversations with clients about their current limitations and obstacles which may require more resources (money).
Current Holes
Until we consistently build, publish and improve ad performance, quickly and in a way our clients must witness (via email and/or text), we cannot expect to keep clients longer than 30 days which is a huge problem.
Actionable Items
Prioritize all essential items that further our goal.
Hot / Cold Optimization
How we improve ad performance (and SEO, etc.) to drive (better) results as quickly as possible.
Current Goals
We already have a great system for optimizing and improving ad campaigns. We just need more clients and ad accounts, and it needs to be integrate into CRM to create monthly/weekly reports.
Current Holes
- Campaigns are not being optimized
- Team Leaders are not able to assist when Metricologist gets backed up
- Client are not getting PDF reports they can hold and share.
Actionable Items
- Create PDF reporting system that syncs with Metricologist Portal optimization task, using CRM.
- The gold standard is when the client can print it out themselves, at any time, using our new CRM Portal. Maybe Databox can assist is this goal.
How we recruit, train, manage and improve "A players" that grow our Agency.
Current Goals
Get Upwork back up, and ensure entire team is on top of goals.- Begin tracking and measuring deadline adherence to properly scale team and optimize performance.
- We need monthly reviews for each team member based on quantitative feedback (this needs to be streamlined much better into a report).
- Add Team to CRM so we can better recruit, manage and improve team.
- Ensure we always have sufficient bodies, trained and ready to go.
Current Holes
- No current review process, although I did start one. This needs to be a priority.
- All training needs to be updated, including videos and infographics. Video should probably have chapters so info can be quickly found.
Actionable Items
- Review each department and update all training and infographics.
- Create review system, and standardize it like everything else.
- Add Team into CRM
We are an elite culture of winners that show extreme empathy for our Clients by getting them new customers and DOMINATING their competition.
© 2011-2022 The Marketing Agency, All Rights Reserved.
Is There a Problem?
Maverick Steffen, President
Agency News
Objectives for Q4 2023
Dear Team, As we gear up for an exciting and promising Q4 2023, I want to take a moment to share our quarterly objectives and provide some detailed insights into each of them. Our goals for this quarter are designed to drive growth, enhance efficiency, and deliver...